Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The cold weather is here...we knew it would be coming, and it has come full blast. We are all busy with holiday decorations, gift buying and getting all the things that make everything perfect.

The dreaded winter....some like it, if they are skiers.  Young children like to play in the snow, bundled up to their eyeballs with woolen hats and scarves. It can be a fun time, but it can also be a depressing time for some people. What do you do when you are confined to your home, because of inclement weather? You don't leave the house, either because you don't like the cold, or don't want to drive in the snow and risk having an accident.

One thing I do, or most of us do, is bake up a storm, cook, clean, straighten up closets, rearrange dresser drawers, or do crafts.  If you are stuck in the house for a couple of days sometimes you can really lose it and get cabin fever, but it is also a time to think about other things, like our family and friends, and care about people that are less fortunate.

There might be family members we haven't seen in a while or a friend or two we have neglected to contact over the years.  It's a time to reminisce. We think about the good times that past and the family and friends we used to share them with.  Some of them are gone now. This time of the year always makes us recall in our minds the times we had with those that have departed. It can be a sad time for family members that have lost someone dear to them. They are just memories now but they will be remembered for the rest of their lives.  However, the people that are still with us and whom we haven't seen in a while, should also be a major consideration during this time of the year. A time to share our love and joy with all those we have known throughout our lives.

It might be cold out, but this is a great time to make that phone call, write that letter or card and send a greeting to someone you haven't seen in a while. It beats, cooking and cleaning and you will feel you have accomplished something good, when you take the time to contact a family member or friend.

Enjoy the Season. Be Safe. Enjoy Your Family and Friends.


Jacqueline Coote, artist/author - FB: www.impressionsbyjackie.com/jacquelinecooteauthor

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